Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Solo and Ensemble

I hope everyone had a great spring break! The end of the school year will be here before you know it! Pre-UIL is this week and UIL only a couple of weeks after that. In order to better accommodate your student’s schedule please fill out the google form by clicking HERE so we can start creating our Solo & Ensemble schedule. This form is due by April 1 (no I’m not fooling you)! The earlier you turn it in the more easily we will be able to accommodate any conflicts.

For those not familiar, Solo & Ensemble Contest is held at ISMS on May 11 from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. All students will individually perform a Solo (and possibly a group ensemble) for a judge who will provide a score, comments, and verbal feedback. The time commitment for the day is 30-45 minutes once the student arrives at school. Parents are welcome to come to watch. If your student is unable to perform on the date above they will perform their solo in class individually for a grade.

We will be talking more about Solo & Ensemble after Pre-UIL as well as how to fill out this form so please don’t be surprised if your student doesn’t seem to know all the details yet. I appreciate your advanced communication and flexibility. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Click the link below for Solo and Ensemble Information Form